Hidden Dangers: Dryer Vents and Ducts | Extreme Clean CU
27 March 2014
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Hidden Dangers: Dryer Vents and Ducts

You could do yourself and your kids a huge favor this spring by finding out what the hidden dangers are in your home. As a matter of fact, you might be shocked if you do some research to find out what hidden hazards are lurking in your home.

We have definitely provided quite a lot of DIY cleaning posts on our blog, such as how to clean pet stains, how to clean wool carpets, what can you do to remove red wine stains from your upholstery and more.

You could say that we’ve tackled the most obvious and most easily addressed cleaning problems first. But real hidden dangers are often out of plain sight.

Just because you clean your dryer filter every now and then doesn’t mean you’re safe. A lint filter does not catch all the lint that comes from drying clothing and linens. This means that over time lint can build up in or even worse – around your dryer. A dryer can sometimes get very hot, and dryer lint is very flammable. Hidden hazard? Definitely!

Don’t get us wrong, cleaning a dryer vent every now and then is highly recommended. But what you need is to focus on cleaning your dryer ductwork. This can be quite a tricky DIY task, especially if your dryer exhaust hose tube is long.

If you feel comfortable with doing this cleaning task yourself, here’s a quick tutorial:

  • Unplug your dryer and remove the duct
  • Brush off any lint with a flexible brush
  • Vacuum everything thoroughly

If you have any questions just call us and we will be happy to help!

(217) 621-2186

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