10 reasons to get your carpets professionally cleaned! Champaign, IL Urbana, IL | Extreme Clean CU
11 September 2014
Carpet Cleaning
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10 reasons to get your carpets professionally cleaned! Champaign, IL Urbana, IL

Carpet cleaning is not a fun chore to take care of around the house but is certainly important.  Not convinced you should get your carpets cleaned regularly? Here are only ten reasons you should get them cleaned.

  1. Carpet is the most expensive furnishing in a household. Most homeowners have more money in carpet in their house than what an appliance costs. Since it is such a big investment don’t you want to take care of it! When you wash your car and give it a good wax it is the same concept. A dirty carpet will not last as long as a clean one period.
  2. Carpet is the biggest air filter in your house. We’ve all heard this one CARPET CAUSES ALLERGIES!  well let me tell you this ITS A MYTH! If you have swept your wood floors or tile and you see all of that stuff floating around in the air getting into your lungs you know what I’m talking about. Carpet holds onto all of this debris keeping it from going into your lungs. Getting it cleaning regularly flushes out all of these soils that a regular vacuum nor a rental can’t retrieve.
  3. Most children like to lay out on the carpet. Keep them safe. Getting your carpets cleaned regularly prevents them from coming into contact with the nasty germs that hiding in your carpet even if it looks clean.
  4. Carpets soil easily. Experts say that you should get your carpet cleaned at least every year.  Let me put it this way would you wear a sweatshirt or a pair of jeans for a year without washing them. You defiantly wouldn’t . Why should you treat your carpet any different.
  5. Carpet holds onto nasty stuff! Dead skin cells, mold spores, bacteria,  dust mites, dog and cat urine and fecal matter, vomit, drink spills, food spills, tracked in dirt and this is just naming a few people its not very healthy to let that stuff linger in your carpet for 10 years.
  6. Regular carpet cleaning washes out soil that settles onto the carpet. Most do-it-yourself cleaning methods can never get rid of the soil grit that makes its way into the fibers of your carpet. Professional equipment gets professional results don’t be fooled by adds.
  7. Oxidation is a regular occurrence that may lead to dull carpet colors over time . Cleaning carpets regularly helps in preserving the carpets color keeping them vibrant.
  8. It will make the room look better!
  9. Your carpets will smell better!
  10. Most of you above the age of 35 probably remember hearing this at one point too. Hold off as long as you can from getting your carpets cleaned.  Because once you do it gets dirty really easily after that. Well I’ll be the first to tell you that it used to be true. But that was years and years ago. Chemistry in carpet cleaning has taken leaps and bounds and I mean LEAPS AND BOUNDS in the last decade or two. And it boggles my mind that I still hear this from time to time. So the answer to that question is no it is NOT TRUE as long as you have the right company out. Here at Extreme Clean CU we don’t waste on cheap cleaning agents. Only the best for us because that is our main goal to be the best company in the Champaign-Urbana area.

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