Wool Carpet Cleaning | Extreme Clean CU

Champaign-Urbana Carpet Cleaning

The Importance of Carpet Protector. extremecleancu.com (217) 621-2186 Your carpet was chosen with some careful thought.  Did you know that carpet is actually one of the biggest investments in most people’s homes? Why wouldn’t you want to protect and prolong the life of something so expensive? Carpet protector comes on your carpet from the factory […]

24 February 2014
Carpet Cleaning
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Keep Your Wool Carpet Looking Great for Years: Facts, Tips & Common Mistakes

As you’ve probably heard so far wool carpets are stain resistant and this fact makes them popular with the modern day family. This does not mean that there is no maintenance as some people believe. Just like with any types of carpets, your wool carpet requires regular care to stay looking the same as the […]