Pet Accidents | Extreme Clean CU
30 July 2014
Carpet Cleaning
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Why we are the best! Champaign-Urbana Carpet Cleaning

A lot of times homeowners might really consider replacing their carpets. This might be probable in some cases. Nothing lasts forever especially when it has been abused or has just been worn out from age. So I wanted to show a before and after video of a carpet we cleaned last week. This is a […]

Champaign-Urbana Carpet Cleaning

The Importance of Carpet Protector. (217) 621-2186 Your carpet was chosen with some careful thought.  Did you know that carpet is actually one of the biggest investments in most people’s homes? Why wouldn’t you want to protect and prolong the life of something so expensive? Carpet protector comes on your carpet from the factory […]

Champaign-Urbana IL Carpet Cleaning

When looking for a carpet cleaner rest assured that you will receive the best service possible! We love what we do and we take real pride in our quality of work. Have you ever had another carpet cleaner out, you spent all that money and you thought this is it? At Extreme Clean CU we […]

16 February 2014
Carpet Cleaning
Comments: 1

DIY pet accidents

One of the best things you can do for pet accidents is if you are lucky enough to catch the animal in the act is to soak up as much as you can with towels, and pour salt liberally onto the urine while its still wet. Use enough salt to completely cover the spot. The […]