Carpet Cleaning Revolution: Is it Time for Robots to take over more of the Routine Work? | Extreme Clean CU
13 April 2014
Carpet Cleaning
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Carpet Cleaning Revolution: Is it Time for Robots to take over more of the Routine Work?

If you’re a fan of everything high-tech, but not a big fan of house cleaning there is a simple solution to your problem and it’s called iRobot Roomba® Vacuum Cleaning Robot. Of course, this solution comes with a price that might be too high to pay.

Roomba® is a robot who moves around your house, vacuuming as it goes. It does not damage carpets or furniture. Rather you can say that this little circular house helper bounces gently off obstacles. Plus it has some cool features such as cliff sensors which keep it from falling down stairs. You may think it often gets stuck in corners and loops, but in reality that hardly ever happens.

What about suction power? iRobot should not be used as a replacement for a traditional vacuum (and especially not a replacement for a professional carpet cleaning service). iRobot is meant to supplement and not replace high suction power vacuum cleaners. On the other hand, it is capable of vacuuming up even your keys (don’t say you haven’t been warned).

One thing is for sure: With a price tag reaching nearly $700, it shows off how much purchase power this fancy little gadget actually has.

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